Should Your Son Be Circumcised?

Should Your Son Be Circumcised?

As parents, we have a lot of decisions laid out before us to make in the best interest of our children.... before our precious bundle of joy even arrives. Regardless if you find out the gender ahead of time or not, its important to brush up on the important things that will soon come and one of those is being circumcised.

The act of circumcising a male is with the purpose of removing the foreskin of the penis through surgery. This is not a new practice as the earliest records date back to early Egyptian times. It has been known to hold great religious significance and less of an influence for a decision based on health. It is more common in the United States, seeing as 55% to 65% of all newborns are circumcised each year. However, other countries where it is more popular are Canada, Africa, and the Middle East. 

Of course with every surgery or procedure, there will be risks. Risks from being circumcised can be long-term issues that the child will have to learn to cope with - if affected. 

There have been claims that doing so will have less of a chance of a UTI in the child, however the findings have been less than a 1% difference. There is a lowered risk for Penile Cancer as one of the causes are a condition called Phimosis. Findings were inconclusive when it came to the benefits of circumcising for lower risk to HIV. 

For myself, I would prefer to see more information for myself instead of an opinion of just one person (like myself), so I have compiled of list of a few sources for those looking for more information below! Let me know down in the comments why you chose to or chose not to circumcise!

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