Animal Discovery - Pudu

Say hello to the smallest species of deer in the world known as the PudĂș! 

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There are two known species; the Northern species is found in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru while the Southern species can be found in southern Chile and south-western Argentina. Fully grown, they are about 15 inches high and only weigh around 19 - 33 pounds

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They are most often found in highlands and their stocky build aids to shroud them in overgrowth. They survive on vegetation and fruits and it is crucial that they limit time in direct sunlight thus they are crepuscular - only coming out in late evening and early morning. Southern Pudus are known to have a more reddish tint to their fur while their Northern brethren fare a bit darker in coloration. 

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The males are known to grow short horns that have the appearance of spikes, ranging up to a mere 4 inches. These tiny Bambi's are solitary and secretive. They are also known to be easily startled, tufting up their fur, barking, and shivering. The longest recorded life-span of the Pudu is 15 years and 9 months. It is also rumored that they could perish of a cardiac arrest when startled. 

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Pudus are easy targets of prey to the horned owl, cougars, and foxes. Though their tiny bodies may lead one to believe otherwise, they are efficient swimmers, climbers, sprinters, and jumpers and when it comes to escaping predators they dash off in zig-zag patterns. These deer are currently sitting as Near Threatened on the ICNU list due to declining habitat.

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